RHS Rosemore Stand

Phil organised a stand at the RHS Rosemore Arts & Crafts Exhibition and we had a display for visitors on the 4th and 5th May.

Thank you Phil for the fantastic work done and the committee members for giving up their time to man the stand. There was lots of interest particularly on Paul’s helicopters.

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Drone training done by Exeter University at Bridge Field





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Sloping with a PuRES glider

Managed to get out flying today on Dartmoor at St Michaels Bungalow.  Wind was forecast westerly; however when I got there this afternoon it had changed to an ideal North westerly at around 7 to 10 kts.  Perfect for a sloping maiden of my recently built PuRES V2.  Weighing a meagre 450 grams, 2 meter wing span; with V tail control. This is my first foray into unpowered flight and V tails.  Went really well and was pleased with its performance; at times climbing up a good 100 feet above my location and got in some figure of 8 flying along the slope and also managed a couple of loops.  Small 4.8v NIMH 750 mah battery.  Flew for around 30 minutes total and still had voltage to spare.  Happy to be out flying again after a long lockdown, due to Covid 19, hope to see you out there soon.

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6th September Aerotow

Thanks to Cliff Harvey, Chairman of the DSSC for the video of the day.

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Garys 2nd flight of Mosquito

1st flight at 18 Acre for the Mossie – Wednesday 16th September 2020 (Still need more runway, I think) Enjoy?


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Gary’s Chipmonk maiden

Gary maidened his Chipmonk today. Fantastic build and flying mate. Needs more noise though.  🙂

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Super Chipmunk

Video of Gary’s Chipmonk maiden today. Great build and flying. Well done. Could do with more noise.  🙂

Chipmonk maiden

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Winter Social and Prize giving

We had a good turn out for our winter social and inaugural Prize giving on the 23rd January at the Taw River Inn.

OkeStik ChampGary receiving his Oke Stik Racing Championship Shield as the Champion for 2019 from Rob. Gary was a deserving winner of a very close fought series at the club fun fly events.

LMD Champ

Phil receiving the Last Man Down Championship shield as the 2019 Champion from Rob. Phil showed great consistency throughout the season and a well deserved win.


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October Fun Fly

The final fun fly of the year took place on Sunday the 27th October. A stunning day after torrential rain in the previous 2 days.


Phil receiving the monthly trophy for the Oke Stik Racing. Gary probably scrapping sheep poo off his shoe. A natural hazard.


Phil and Guy were joint winners of the Last Man Down competition. Both with perfect scores for both rounds. Phil opted to give the monthly Trophy to Guy seen here.

Thanks to everyone for a great season of flying. Lots of fun and a huge improvement in flying ability shown by everyone over the season.

Championship results;


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Johns Hughes Helicopter

Video of John maidening his Hughes Heli recently at the field.  Great scale fuselage with 550 size mechanics and blades.

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