This web site is a simple ‘Blog’ site intended to allow members and non members of OKMFC contribute to the local model flying scene.
Before using the site you must register. Please contact either the Chairman or Secretary via the Contact us page at the top and supply the user name that you wish to use.You will be emailed a temporary password which you can change the first time you log in. To do this, select ‘site admin’ under Meta, then ‘Profile’ from the list on the left hand side. Here you will see ‘New Password’ boxes towards the end of the page.
You can make two types of contribution:
- Posts – Only available to paid up OKMFC Members
- Comments – Anyone who is registered can make a comment.
Please only use Posts for new items such as:
- New flying session.
- New item of general news.
- Model Build Information etc.
- First person to want to comment on a club event such as evening meeting etc.
- A new topic about an aspect of running the club
- To suggest an event or activity.
Posts should not be used to comment on other posts.
If you have photos to share please e-mail them to me, for publication.
Some information on date, location and subject would be helpful.
Text for publication as new pages on the site can also be sent to me for publication.
If you have any questions please email me and I will try and assist,
Nigel Norkett
A great day out on Saturday, a bit cold but summer is coming! It was nice to meet other members and put faces to names. Just thought I should mention a couple of points on safe flying which I noted: 1. Never fly around yourself, it is very bad practice. 2. Always fly in front of yourself with the pits/cars behind you, that way it is impossible to overfly the safe area. If we keep to those simple rules accidents should be avoided and all can have a fun day out.