As most of you know Andrew and I are in the process of building a Bigger Stik 2m wing span for the purpose of aerotow. Some progress pictures.
Fuse in progress.
Wing cores cut and being readied for sheeting.
Mating wing to fuse and siting wing bolts.
Some more progress; U/C now fitted and final fitting of the wing before they are sprayed.
Model now covered/sprayed and being balanced. Andrew and I are both really chuffed with the result. Had the engine running and happy with the performance so we are nearly ready for a test flight.
14th May 2018
After a long wait for the right conditions the day finally arrived. Took a picture before the test flight in case it didn’t come back in the same condition. It did and we learned a lot about mods that need to be made.
And a short video of take off.