Category Archives: Uncategorized

RHS Rosemore Stand

Phil organised a stand at the RHS Rosemore Arts & Crafts Exhibition and we had a display for visitors on the 4th and 5th May. Thank you Phil for the fantastic work done and the committee members for giving up … Continue reading

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Drone training done by Exeter University at Bridge Field

Launch Landing

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Sloping with a PuRES glider

Managed to get out flying today on Dartmoor at St Michaels Bungalow.  Wind was forecast westerly; however when I got there this afternoon it had changed to an ideal North westerly at around 7 to 10 kts.  Perfect for a … Continue reading

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6th September Aerotow

Thanks to Cliff Harvey, Chairman of the DSSC for the video of the day.

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Garys 2nd flight of Mosquito

1st flight at 18 Acre for the Mossie – Wednesday 16th September 2020 (Still need more runway, I think) Enjoy?  

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Gary’s Chipmonk maiden

Gary maidened his Chipmonk today. Fantastic build and flying mate. Needs more noise though.  🙂

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Super Chipmunk

Video of Gary’s Chipmonk maiden today. Great build and flying. Well done. Could do with more noise.  🙂 Chipmonk maiden

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October Fun Fly

The final fun fly of the year took place on Sunday the 27th October. A stunning day after torrential rain in the previous 2 days. Phil receiving the monthly trophy for the Oke Stik Racing. Gary probably scrapping sheep poo … Continue reading

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Johns Hughes Helicopter

Video of John maidening his Hughes Heli recently at the field.  Great scale fuselage with 550 size mechanics and blades.

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Johns Chinook

Wonderful afternoon for flying yesterday, Saturday 14th Sept.  Glorious sunshine and I managed to get some video footage of John Ansell flying his superb model of a Chinook helicopter.  Apologies for the quality but film taken on my mobile phone. … Continue reading

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